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Best Ways to Welcome First-time Preschoolers

The playschool is a new world to the kid. The four walls of his or her home would have been the world to them until that day. The classrooms, the other children, and teachers may appear alien to them. The playschools in Thrissur must be able to introduce them to the new world through entertaining methods and make them feel at home. 

The preschools in Thrissur and anywhere in the world pursues fun activities, games and plays as part of the welcoming ceremony. Let’s see some of the proven ways that can help the kids adjust to the new surroundings without any anxiety or fear.

How To Welcome First-time Preschoolers

Preschools should try novel ideas and themes to welcome first-time preschoolers. Here are some tips to help you out.

1. Fancy Decorations as if a Wonderland

The kids might be knowing animation characters, funny animals and cartoon creatures. Through animation movies and YouTube videos. Let those characters welcome them to the fairy world of classrooms. Decorate the classrooms and the entire pre-school colourfully. It would be good if you have enough toys for the kids to play with.

In addition, it would be a great idea if you can get some people masquerading as funny cartoon characters, who can invite the children to the classroom by handing them balloons and chocolates.     

2. Activities Involving Siblings, Parents, and Grandparents

Plan games and fun activities that involve siblings, parents and grandparents. It would include decorating the classroom, playing a game or enacting a character. Once the kid starts mingling with the other children in the class, and they make a rapport, all of the relatives could move back, allowing the children to play on themselves.

Since the games and fun on a remaining day will not have others, but only kids, it will be a good idea to allocate a room or a separate space for the parents and relatives to relax. Pre-schools should consider implementing this idea for welcoming first-time preschoolers. 

3. Play-Along With New Preschoolers

The teacher must be tactful enough to pretend self as a kid and gel with them. Take part in the activities and make a relationship with the kids. They should start considering the pre-school teacher as a member of their gang.

4. Eating Together, Enjoying the Food

The playschool teacher should eat lunch with the kids. Eating alone would be a difficult thing for the kids. The teacher can guide them and entertain them during lunch as well. It will inculcate the right eating habits and help them learn etiquettes quickly.

5. Know the Preschoolers Beforehand

The teachers at the playschool must be aware of the child. His or her background, the details of the family, the place where the kid is from and so on. A detailed understanding of him or her will help the teacher to prepare how to go ahead befriending each.

A concerted effort would be required to have the awareness of each of the students in the class. The top pre-schools in Thrissur have handpicked teachers, experienced enough to understand the kid psychology and nourish them accordingly. 

6. Smile is the Bridge to Create a Relation!

Smile open heartedly. Let your affection be evident to the kids. The children would quickly make friends with the teacher, who has an affectionate smile on his or her face. Talk to them with a pleasant face only. Never be rude to the preschool kids. Once they start disliking the school, it will turn difficult for the parents to get them to the classroom.

7. Dance and Sing, Along with the Kids

The teachers should not be shy of dancing with the kids. They should dance, sing and narrate stories (with the expressions on the face) to the children. Action songs and dance are easy and effective methods to convey ideas and ensure the involvement of the kids. The entertainment would eradicate the unfamiliarity from their hearts. Consequently, they would love to come to the pre-school every day.

8. Reach Out To Parents

While making the new kids comfortable in their preschool,It’s as important to make the parents comfortable as possible. Let them know the ways to communicate with you when needed and give them the feeling their little one’s are safe.

9. Prepare A Gift While Leaving

Send the students with a parting gift while returning to home. This creates a sense of excitement and an achievement feeling in them for completing the first day of their preschool. This builds a connection between the child and preschool and encourages them to return the next day.

The qualities and capabilities of the teachers at the playschool play an important role in removing the fear of kids’ minds. The teacher must act as if one among them and gel with those little minds.  Find a good preschool near you and let your young one’s explore the world of learning.

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