How to generate graphs in QC
Quality Center graphs help you analyze the relationship between different types of data in a project. Each Quality Center module contains various graph options to enhance performance testing. After you generate a graph, you can customize graph properties to display information according to your specifications.
QC or Quality Center has offered a huge number of features, which lets people test depending on the requirement and productivity. It is widely suggested for people to consider using the right set of features. It plays a vital role to bring performance in a quick time.
In this exercise, you will generate a defect graph to summarize the defects by status and priority level.
To generate a Graph follow below steps:
- Click on test Lab
- After that, Click on Analysis in the right-side grid
- Post that click, on Graph link in the window
- Select X-axis and Y-axis items
- Click Finish
We will get the graph based on the selected items and the Same we can get for defects also.
TestLodge – Test Management Tool
To run any new project or existing project successfully from the testing perspective Test management Tool plays a key role. Lest discuss briefly and need Test management tools for testing projects, to run and maintain any project for the long run any organization or team should have to store test design and test results by using some tools. By using online tools that will be very useful for any project to maintain form any location. In the market we have a lot of Test case Management tools are available among them the best and very easy tool to maintain is TestLodge Test manager software.
About TestLodge: TestLodge is a Tool that provides a complete solution for managing test cases and also provides Defect tracking tool integration. The focus of TestLodge has been to provide a tool that is quick to use, is bloat-free, has a good interface and keeps the testers productive. Very soon there will be an update coming that makes the tool usable on the iPad. Click on the Testcase management tool to know more about the tool.
Different Divisions of testing
Why test cases can be derived in White Box testing?
- Exercise all independent paths at least once.
- Logical decisions exercised for True and False paths.
- Loops executed at their boundaries and within operational bounds.
- To ensure validity internal data structures are exercised.
Mobile Application Testing
But always for Mobile Applications testing using real devices is most important to validate any app. While testing Mobile applications commonly concentrate on Integration testing between the OS and Network Operator. This is because any app which is going to be used by end-users should support the mobile OS and network operator to use the app effectively.
Few common things to concentrate while Testing Mobile Applications:
Should test on Real devices
Test on different OS’s (Android, Microsoft, Symbian and etc…).
Should Validate the following:
Downloading app and installation
Integration between the app, device OS and network operator
Validate app while no network coverage
And, Validate app on upgraded OS
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