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Canada immigration: 101! With Canada immigration consultants

There are many programs for immigration. Given below are some of the most used ones. Contact Canada immigration consultants in Delhi.

There are two ways for obtaining Canada PR:

  1. Permanent Residence
  2. Temporary Residence

Let us go through each of them one by one.



  1. Provincial Nominee Program

Canada, the land of the maple leaf, has a thriving economy that provides tremendous prospects for talented workers. Here you can succeed professionally and personally. Canada is the world’s second-largest country, with vast provinces and territories, each having its own provincial immigration systems that allow skilled people to come, work, and stay permanently in the country. Let’s start with an explanation of what a Provincial Nomination Program is.

  • Eligibility for Provincial Nominee Program

Provincial Nomination Programs (PNPs) are immigration programs established by various Canadian provinces. There are 10 provinces in Canada. Each has its own eligibility.

There are ten provincial nomination programs for Canada’s ten provinces. Each provincial program has its own set of parameters. To be eligible to immigrate to Canada under the Provincial Nomination Program, your job profile must be listed on the province’s current occupation list.

You must fulfill this criterion:

  1. The candidate should be 21 years old
  2. Your work must be listed on the province’s NOC (National Occupation Code) list.
  3. You must have the necessary job experience in the relevant field.
  4. According to the CLB and other provincial standards, you must have appropriate language skills.


There are 10 provincial Nominee programs of Canada:

  1. Ontario Provincial Nomination Program
  2. British Columbia Provincial Nomination Program
  3. Quebec Provincial Nomination Program
  4. Alberta Provincial Nomination Program
  5. Nova Scotia Provincial Nomination Program
  6. Saskatchewan Provincial Nomination Program
  7. Manitoba Provincial Nomination Program
  8. Prince Edward Provincial Nomination Program
  9. New Brunswick Provincial Nomination Program
  10. Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Nomination Program


  • Benefits of applying to the Provincial Nominee Program of Canada

Benefits of applying to Canada PR:

  1. You can live anywhere in Canada
  2. You can apply for most PNP without a job offer
  3. Must be able to earn additional points based on your training subject. Receive invitations immediately.
  4. After you arrive in the province, you can take advantage of a variety of provincial incentives.
  5. Other benefits of a PR visa include the ability to live in Canada indefinitely, study and work anywhere in the province, and more. Become a member of the Canadian healthcare system. Get legal protection in Canada. Sponsor your partner/spouse, child, parents, and other relatives, and you will be able to seek for Canadian citizenship in the future!


  1. Family sponsorship Program

There are 3 main types of Family Sponsorship visas:

  1. Child or another dependent visa

Your child must be under the age of 18 and meet the other requirements to be deemed a dependent.

What does it mean to be a child or other dependent with a new age limit?

The age limit for dependent children has been changed.

Children who meet both the conditions are considered dependents:

  1. They are under 22 years of age
  2. They don’t have a spouse or a partner


  • Dependent over the age limit

Children who are 22 or older and meet both the criteria are considered dependents:

  1. They have been financially dependent on their parents
  2. Have a mental or physical ailment

Dependent children can be sponsored for PR. The kid sponsorship program is part of the Family Class of immigration.

The family should be IRCC certified. This is required to obtain Canadian sponsorship.

the relationship of both the sponsor and the person being sponsored must be verified. People who are in the last phases of their adoption process may start sponsoring their children. Facing issues? Contact Canada PR agency.

  • Who can be sponsored through dependent visa Canada?

Under the dependant visa for Canada, you can sponsor the following categories of relatives:

  1. The spouse or common-law partner
  2. Your biological or adopted children or children you intend to adopt
  3. siblings
  4. The children of your siblings
  5. Your grandparents or your grandchildren (provided they are orphans)


  1. Parents and Grandparents sponsorship

If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident above the age of 18, you can sponsor a parent or grandparent for permanent residency in Canada. Here’s everything you need to know about the Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship Program.

  • How can you qualify?

To be eligible for this program, you must be able to financially support your parent or grandparent.  You may contact them anytime you want. This involves ensuring that their basic needs for housing and food are met. As a sponsor, you must ensure that your sponsored family member does not request government assistance.

Clear the following requirements to be eligible.. This entails the sponsored person passing all medical and background checks.

  • Eligibility for Parents and grandparents sponsorship

To sponsor their parents and grandparents to become permanent residents under this sponsorship class, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Must be 18 years of age
  2. Must be a Canadian Citizen


  1. Spouse Open Work Permit

Through the Spouse Open Work Permit, persons with a valid study permit in Canada can sponsor their spouse or common-law partner to work and live in the nation. You don’t need a job offer to sponsor your spouse. The works permit will be valid for the same duration as the one sponsoring.

The Spouse Open Work Permit is a fantastic opportunity for the sponsored person to connect with the local community while also gaining useful work experience. Minors/children are also eligible to study in Canada without first obtaining a study permit.

  • There are majorly 2 categories of Spouse Open Work Permit. They are:


  1. If your spouse or common-law partner lives outside of Canada, you can apply for a tourist visa and take advantage of the Open Work Permit.
  2. Candidates must apply for Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) or a Temporary Resident Visa. It depends on, where they are applying from.


The spouse/common-law partner can apply for the Open Work Permit at an IRCC registered office in Canada, either on paper or online.


  1. If your spouse or common-law partner lives in Canada and has a valid tourist visa, they can apply for an Open Work Permit in person or online at an IRCC registered office outside of Canada. To be able to work in Canada you need a open-work permit.


A Temporary Resident Visa is an official document.

The possession of a TRV does not guarantee admission to Canada.

Documents required by Temporary resident visa applicants

Some of the documents required are:

  1. Form IMM 5484
  2. Application for TRV
  3. Family information
  4. Statutory declaration
  5. Use of a representative
  6. Authority to release personal information to a designated individual

These are some of the documents that are a must-have to file for Canada PR via the Temporary resident program.

Need more insights? Contact Canada immigration consultants in Delhi.

They must be ICCRC certified. The consultants you are referring to must help you with the complete process. You can get help from them. No matter, which program you choose.

By taking the help of people who are ICCRC certified, you will add credibility to your PR.

Canada is the second-largest country in the world. Immigrating there will grant you many benefits. Some of the benefits included are:

  1. Canada has a highly developed mixed economy
  2. It provides a good standard of living
  3. As an immigrant, you get many social benefits.
  4. Free education up to grade 12

For more informative articles keep visiting Emu Article.


Why do you think people prefer Canada to be their second home? The main reason is that Canada offers huge range of benefits to its citizens. Whether you are a citizen of Canada or a PR, you will get treated equally. You can get your PR hassle free with the help of Canada immigration consultants in Delhi.

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