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Effective Home Remedies for Hair Fall – Do They Give Results?

Your hair is often referred to as crowning glory. Thus, you can imagine the importance it holds. Your hair can reflect your personality or even be your style statement. But, if you start facing hair fall, it may be damaging to your self-esteem.

However, if you start taking early actions such as home remedies for hair fall and regrowth you might be able to actually save yourself from hair thinning and bald patches.

Although these home remedies for hair growth and thickness can help you replenish damaged hair you need to know the cause of your hair loss. This is why we will begin by discussing some of the common causes of hair loss.


Common Causes For Hair Fall

There are several external and internal factors that can influence the health of your hair. Thus, if you have already started noticing hair thinning and excess hair fall then these might be the reasons that are causing it.

Nutrient Deficiency

Your diet is an integral part of your health and that includes your scalp health too. Thus, make sure you have a sufficient amount of iron, copper, zinc, and proteins in your diet. Lack of Vitamin D can also cause hair fall for which you can try being under the sun for 10-15 minutes in the morning.

Hormonal Imbalance

One of the main reasons for hair fall in women is hormonal imbalance. After the age of 30 female androgens such as DHEA starts converting into DHT or dihydrotestosterone.  Excess DHT leads to hair fall and this is why you need to try our best remedy for hair fall and hair growth.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

This is again an increasing health concern among women that affects their life in multiple ways. One of which is hair fall or hair thinning.

It can also cause multiple other health problems such as thyroid, acne, and weight gain. However, you can manage your hair fall with the help of home remedies for hair fall and regrowth.


In this modern lifestyle, almost everybody is stressed. With stress comes hair fall along with multiple other health concerns.

Men and women both are struggling with the stress coping mechanism resulting in male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness.

Environmental Factors

Pollution and UV rays are very damaging to your skin and hair. Pollution can cause itchiness or dry scalp resulting in hair breakage.

But you can take some prevention to protect against further damage which we will be discussing now in our Natural home remedy for hair growth.


5 Easy Home Remedies For Fast Hair Growth

If you were concerned about how to grow hair faster in a week home remedies? Then you are at the right place. Here are some fast hair growth secrets that will work as overnight remedies for hair growth.

So, let’s start with some really easy-to-do home remedies for hair regrowth.

#1. Oiling for Hair Growth

Hair fall is not a new issue even our grannies faced it and if we would have listened to her when she said to oil our hair then probably we wouldn’t be in trouble.

Oiling your hair overnight is basically a natural hair growth treatment that helps in hair regeneration and prevents breakage.

You can use coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, and almond oil for this treatment.

What Should You Do?

  • Use cold-pressed or extra virgin oil (coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, and almond oil)
  • Heat your oil for 30 seconds just to make it warm.
  • Massage it into your scalp and leave it overnight.
  • Rinse it the next morning.

#2. Aloe Vera for Hair

If you want to regrow hair naturally in 3 weeks then you need to try this Aloe Vera for Hair Growth.

Aloe vera extracts reduce inflammation in your scalp and help calm itchiness of your scalp. Thus, here is how you can try Aloe vera as one of the home remedies for hair fall and regrowth.

What Should You Do?

  • Take a stalk of Aloe Vera. Cut it and extract the pulp.
  • Apply the pulp directly to your hair and scalp.
  • Leave it for about 45 minutes to 60 minutes
  • Rinse it off with normal water. You can do this 3-4 times a week and notice considerable hair growth in just 3 weeks.

#3. Yogurt for Hair

Did you know yogurt can act as a deep conditioning hair mask? Yogurt has natural moisturizing properties.

A dry scalp can lead to hair loss and bald spots. But, yogurt acts as a natural conditioner for your scalp. A nourished scalp can survive heat damage and pollution easily.

You can even consume yogurt as your source of probiotics. Probiotics help in maintaining your pH levels and preventing further damage to your hair.

What Should You Do?

  • Take 1/4th bowl of yogurt and a few drops of lemon.
  • Mix them well and apply them to your hair including your scalp.
  • Let it be for 60min and rinse it off.

Fun fact: Yogurt mixed with lemon can even help you get rid of dandruff.

#4. Egg Mask for Hair

Who doesn’t know eggs are a great source of protein. And, protein is essential for hair growth.

You can obviously have eggs in your diet but they also make an excellent hair mask for repairing your damaged hair. Egg masks are quick and easy home remedies for hair growth and here is how you can prepare them.

What Should You Do?

  • Separate one egg white and yolk. Keep the egg white in a bowl and add a teaspoon of olive oil and honey.
  • Mix them well till they make a paste and apply it on your hair from root to tips.
  • Let it rest for 20 minutes then rinse it off with a mild shampoo.

#5. Yoga for Hair

Yoga poses for hair is the answer to “how to regrow hair on bald spot fast”? Yoga improves blood circulation in your entire body including the face, neck, and scalp.

With a regular blood flow through your scalp, you get the required nutrient for hair growth easily. This helps in hair regrowth. Thus, yoga for hair is the easiest home remedy for hair fall and regrowth.

What Should You Do?

  • Try doing poses that involve bending over or full-body stretch.
  • For example- Balasana, Sirsasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, and Uttanasana.

These were some natural remedies for hair growth. And if you were wondering “how to stop hair fall immediately at home for female”?

Then you can try these easy-to-do home remedies for hair growth and thickness.

Best Hair Growth Supplement To Try

Though there always exists a doubt about Do Hair Growth Supplements Work or not! But formulas based on herbal and natural ingredients do work and also are free from any kind of adverse effects.

Likewise, there is one very popular hair growth pill- Har Vokse bests for both men and women. Unlike other pills this supplement helps in stimulating the growth of healthy hair follicles.

Also, the makers state both men and women using such supplements can get much more healthy and shining hair.

With this let’s recall and sum up this blog.


Hair is more than just a part of your body, it can affect how you feel, your confidence, and your appearance to a whole next level. Thus, if you are facing excessive hair fall or hair thinning then you might probably also be feeling low.

But, don’t worry there are several treatments available for hair fall and balding. And, if you are not comfortable with medical procedures then you can try our home remedies for hair fall and regrowth.

We collected some really simple yet effective tricks for hair growth and also supplements that you can give a try. In fact, the Har Vokse Results are so real that we could not stop ourselves from sharing this with you guys.

We hope this could help you regain confidence and face the crowd.
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Nutri Bolism

Nutribolism helps in enhancing your lives with nutritional foods. Our mission is to provide you the most unbiased and honest reviews on various trending health and fitness supplements.

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