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How Long Does it Take to Put Braces on

How long it takes to put braces on varies based on the type of braces you’re receiving and how often you wear them (every day, every other day, or just at night). Here’s an overview of some common orthodontic appliances and how long it takes to put them on. If you follow all of your dentist’s instructions regarding how long does it take to put braces on and how long they should stay on for


Steps in Getting Braces

First, a consultation. During your appointment, your orthodontist will determine whether you’re a good candidate for braces and whether braces are right for you. If so, he or she will discuss with you what kind of braces and treatment plan would be best. You’ll also need to decide which orthodontic clinic will do your work: an in-office facility or one where they send patients out to external offices that specialize in certain types of procedures.

Afterward, you can expect to have a second appointment at which time your orthodontist will take impressions of your teeth and create models (called casts) from them. These casts will show him or her how far apart each tooth is from its neighbor and how much space there is between each tooth and any other nearby structures such as nerves or sinuses. Your doctor may then order X-rays to see if there’s any decay present in any teeth that may affect their ability to be moved into place by braces. Next comes designing a treatment plan—and here’s where things get interesting! It’s at this point when your orthodontist figures out exactly how long it’ll take for you to get those pearly whites straightened up.


Step 1) Visit the Orthodontist

Depending on how complicated your treatment is, you may need to visit your orthodontist for a checkup every few weeks or months. However, you should know that most orthodontists will ask you to come in for a progress appointment every six months. This way, they can nance appliance and make any changes they feel are necessary. It’s a good idea to take notes during each of these appointments so that you know what adjustments have been made—not just since your last visit but over time as well. Then, if you ever see another dentist braces down the road or have trouble with aligners later, he or she will be able to look back at your notes and make sure everything still lines up correctly. If not, then it might be time to revisit your braces!


Step 2) Pick a Favorite Toothpaste

There are two major kinds of toothpaste you should be aware of: fluoride and non-fluoride. A variety of people swear by one or the other, but ultimately, they are both effective at preventing cavities and plaque. If you want more information about how each product works and when to use them, check out these resources: Fluoride Toothpastes, Mayo Clinic; Fluoride vs. Non-Fluoride Toothpastes: What’s Best for Your Teeth? Rodale’s Organic Life. The short answer here is that both types will do just fine in keeping your teeth healthy—just find a favorite!

And make sure to get kids started early so they can form good habits early too. You might also consider starting your child with a pediatric dentist. Pediatric dentists specialize in treating young patients, which means they have experience working with little mouths and little bodies. They also have special training in preventive care, which helps keep children’s teeth as healthy as possible from an early age. You may even qualify for financial assistance through Medicaid or CHIP if you need help paying for dental services.


Step 3) Get X-Rays Done

Before your braces can be put on, you’ll need to have x-rays done of your teeth. During your first appointment, you’ll be given a small container that holds a radiopaque marker. As you know from before, when something is radiopaque, it means that it will appear in an image even if there isn’t any light shining through it. Your dental hygienist or orthodontist will place these markers between each of your teeth using a bit of water-soluble toothpaste as a lubricant. Once they’re all in place, you’ll sit back and wait for them to dry. Once they do, you’ll go back into another room where a special machine called an intraoral camera takes pictures of your teeth. The images are then transferred onto film and sent off to your dentist for review. If everything looks good, it’s time for you to get fitted for braces!


Step 4) Fix Misaligned Teeth

If you’re having braces put on, you’ll want to ensure that your teeth are as clean as possible prior to going into surgery. That means brushing and flossing daily, along with rinsing your mouth out with chlorhexidine gluconate solution. A toothbrush that can really get in between teeth may help you here, too. After surgery is done, be sure to maintain good oral hygiene as instructed by your dentist or orthodontist.

The right oral hygiene routine will aid in both healthy gums and beautiful smiles—it also ensures that eating while wearing braces isn’t a problem! In fact, there shouldn’t be any reason why you can’t eat anything that doesn’t need to be chewed thoroughly before swallowing. Just remember: It takes time for your new smile to take shape. While not everyone experiences pain during the process of getting their braces put on, some people do report feeling soreness after having them attached.


Step 5) Customize the Retainer

When someone has braces, there is a wire that goes through their teeth. It’s connected at one end to a bracket attached to each tooth and at the other end by a small, transparent piece of plastic called an elastomeric retainer (nance appliance). When braces are removed, patients need to wear retainers for about six months. The purpose of these retainers is to stabilize all or part of your bite so your teeth stay in place. The larger appliances last longer because they don’t break down as quickly as smaller ones do; they also don’t feel as tight against your teeth and gums. Smaller devices can be worn during sleep, but larger ones must be worn only during waking hours. If you have trouble keeping your mouth closed. While sleeping, talk with your orthodontist about using a removable appliance instead of a fixed one.


Step 6) Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

To avoid gum disease and tooth decay, be sure to maintain good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth regularly with a soft-bristled toothbrush. You can also use dental floss or an interdental brush to remove debris from between your teeth. If you’re interested in improving your smile, keep reading below for more information about braces. Retainers and other options for correcting dental issues. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

It takes three months to put braces on. The orthodontist first measures and x-rays your teeth. Then he/she draws up plans for what kind of wire is needed and where it should go. As well as how long each wire should be (this depends on how much room there is). After that, he/she sends off. These plans to a lab where machines cut out all of those. Wires into little pieces (the wires are really thin). After that, they polish all of those wires until they are smooth. When they get back from being polished, they put them all together so that they form one big wire piece. The next step is getting them bonded onto brackets which will go onto your teeth!
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