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How to Guard Against Telephone Insurance Scam Calls

Telephone insurance scam calls have become a prevalent issue in the United States. Scammers use various tactics to target unsuspecting individuals, aiming to steal personal information and money.

To protect yourself and your loved ones from falling victim to these scams, it’s crucial to understand the tactics scammers employ and learn how to guard against them.

1. Recognize Common Insurance Scam Call Tactics

Understanding the strategies scammers use can help you identify and avoid potential scams:

   a. Caller ID Spoofing: Scammers often use technology to manipulate caller IDs, making it appear as though they’re calling from a legitimate insurance company or government agency.

   b. High-Pressure Sales: Scammers may use high-pressure tactics, such as claiming that you must make an immediate decision or pay a fee to avoid dire consequences.

   c. Unsolicited Calls: Legitimate insurance companies typically don’t make unsolicited calls to sell their services. Be wary of calls you didn’t initiate.

2. Verify the Caller’s Identity

To guard against telephone insurance scams, always take the following steps:

   a. Ask for the Caller’s Information: Request the caller’s name, organization, and contact number. Scammers often avoid providing this information.

   b. Verify the Company: If the caller claims to represent a specific insurance company, hang up and contact that company directly using their official contact information, which can usually be found on their website or your policy documents.

3. Never Share Personal Information

Scammers may ask for personal information, such as your Social Security number, bank account details, or credit card information. Never share such information over the phone, especially if you didn’t initiate the call.

4. Be Cautious About Robocalls

Robocalls are automated calls that scammers use to reach a large number of people. To guard against them:

   a. Hang Up: If you receive a robocall, hang up immediately. Do not follow any instructions or press any buttons as directed by the call.

   b. Register for the National Do-Not-Call Registry: Add your phone number to the National Do-Not-Call Registry to reduce the number of unwanted telemarketing calls.

5. Report Suspected Scam Calls

If you believe you have received a telephone insurance scam call, report it to the following authorities:

   a. Federal Trade Commission (FTC): Contact the FTC at or 1-888-382-1222 to report the call.

   b. Your Local Authorities: Reach out to your local law enforcement agency and provide them with all available details.

6. Educate Your Family and Friends

Help protect your loved ones by educating them about telephone insurance scams. Share information about common tactics, how to verify the caller’s identity, and the importance of never sharing personal information over the phone.

7. Consider Call Screening Services

Investing in call screening services or apps can help filter out unwanted calls and reduce the chances of receiving scam calls. Popular services like Nomorobo and Hiya can be useful in this regard.


Telephone insurance scam calls can be both annoying and potentially harmful. By recognizing common scam tactics, verifying the caller’s identity, and never sharing personal information, you can guard against these scams.

Reporting any suspected scam calls and educating your family and friends will also contribute to reducing the impact of telephone insurance scams in the United States. Stay vigilant, and together we can combat this issue.

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