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Stretch the boundaries of your business with a Gojek Clone App

A revolutionary technology or a business model can spring up from any corner of the world! Gojek clone is an amazing example of this profound statement. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Gojek put Indonesia on the technology map of the world. What started as a simple call center for bike taxi services has now grown up to offer more than 30 different services spread across multiple segments.

A bit about Gojek

As we have already seen, Gojek is a multi-services app headquartered in Indonesia and having its operations spread across almost every country in South East Asia, including but not limited to Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines. The company is valued at more than $10 billion. It also has its overseas corporate presence in cities like Bangalore, India.

What makes Gojek powerful is the formidable portfolio of investors that include names like Google, Facebook, Visa, Softbank, and Tencent. Gojek has been single-handedly responsible for uplifting the lives of a lot of Indonesians, and it can be felt in the fact that the GDP per capita of Indonesia increased after Gojek came into the picture.

The relevance

Although we might not see a visible impact right now, it cannot be denied that the world has considerably changed after the COVID-19 pandemic. Luckily, it also coincided with the on-demand revolution,  considerable Internet penetration, and the openness of people to embrace new technology.

If we take a small example, grocery shopping has become confined to grocery delivery apps. Until the pandemic, they were just perceived as an extension of the existing business landscape.

Now that almost every service is available on-demand through an app, it might be quite cumbersome for a user to download different apps for different utilities. Bringing all services into a single app might be a great business idea that presents convenience for users and better management for the business.

How have services been impacted?

We have already seen how the grocery delivery landscape has changed. In a similar fashion, a lot of services have transformed into perception because of the pandemic.

  • For people who look at food as a utility, restaurant visits have become a thing of the past. People have started to order restaurant food online through a plethora of food delivery apps.
  • Even for grooming purposes, people are hesitant to visit the spa and salon premises. With beauty and massage services being made available through apps, people have started to order massage and beauty services to their homes. 
  • A lot of people have picked up new hobbies, and that has become a breadwinner for them. People who are into making handicrafts and baking are always in need of delivery and career services. This has led people to use a lot of local delivery service providers and apps.
  • To ensure safety and security, even handyman services have become a part of the on-demand landscape. People are able to request plumbing, electrician, and a host of other services including, sanitary/cleaning services.
  • One of the most unexpected changes in the lifestyle of people is that people have started to prefer private transport as opposed to using crowded public transport where they are susceptible to some harmful exposure. Although taxi services might not be back in their fullest swing yet, it is quite likely that they will make a come back with greater intensity than ever before.

Why go for super apps?

Super applications present a lot of advantages for every party involved.

Needless to say, for the user, it is convenient to use a single app for multiple services. It saves them, on a simple note, the space on their mobile phone. If you were to look beyond it, it also ensures that they do not have  multiple passwords or entrust their legacy login credentials to multiple applications. 

It becomes difficult to process refunds and use cask backs when you offer only one utility. Let us take grocery, for example. Why grocery delivery is inevitable; it is not an everyday activity. Therefore, the user has to wait for their next grocery buying to use their cashback. If, however, the same app were to provide multiple services, the user can use the cashback for a taxi booking or a food delivery.

Almost all super applications use the aggregator model. This opens up new learning opportunities for a lot of local businesses that can form a symbiotic relationship with the super app business. Any person with driving/writing skills can become a delivery executive. Local grocers can tie-up with the super app to provide their services/products to people in their locality. Local businesses do not have to invest in capital-consuming delivery infrastructure if they tie-up with super apps.

In most cases, the super app business does not invest in developing new apps. There are a lot of independent developers and development companies that create little applications that seamlessly integrate with the existing ecosystem. It is a lucrative opportunity for  app developers because they do not have to invest their time and efforts in marketing. This is one of the biggest reasons an on-demand multi-service app like Gojek is an amazing business opportunity.

Perhaps the most prominent reason why an app like Gojek is an amazing investment is the richness of data it provides. As you may have known, data is one of the most lucrative asset classes. It is the rich later about the buying patterns of people, their food consumption habits, and spending capacities that make these multi-service apps capable of providing microfinance. What makes the offering better is that the processing is relatively quick, and the default rates are considerably low.

Another advantage that can be considered relevant for today is that even if one app faces a low market period, The other app can make it up for the losses in revenue. This was best witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic when there was no demand for transportation, but there was an unbelievably high demand for grocery and food delivery. An app that provided both services was able to balance out the revenue.

The worldwide market

It would be a bit odd to see that most multi-service apps are from countries like Indonesia, India, China, and Japan. It might be because of the regulatory framework, but it cannot be denied that Europe and America are slowly catching up with respect to becoming accommodative towards super applications.

Efforts have already been visible as Uber opened its taxi services and also added food delivery to its offerings. A lot of flight booking apps offer taxi booking, at least for domestic travel. There has always been an effort to offer multiple related services under a single mobile app.


Although the concept of a multi-services app might be a bit old (at least in the context of how fast the mobile app space has been growing), it would not be an exaggeration to say that the market has just opened up, catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Now might be the right time for any aspiring entrepreneur to build a Super app like Gojek.

It might seem a bit intimidating that the technology that goes behind such a complex app is quite demanding in terms of development, time, and money. This limitation is taken care of effectively by a white-label Gojek clone app. A  Gojek clone script is available as a product, and it can be purchased with all the basic features intact. The app also provides a considerable degree of customizability.

All  you have to do is to get in touch with the company that specializes in the development and customization of white label multi-utility app solutions. They will take care to understand the requirement and build you the next big Gojek that will launch you in the space of super apps!

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