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SwiftUI Vs UIkit – Is SwiftUI is going to replace UIkit?

The transition from UIKit to SwiftUI is at least as disruptive to a development team as a transition from Objective-C to Swift. SwiftUI has taken about the same amount of time to get ready for real-world projects. After just over two years, every iOS app development company arrived at a position where your team should consider moving to SwiftUI for interface development on Apple platforms. The technology has the potential benefit and is ready for commercial implementation. So, prepare your business to switch toolkits from UI to Swift UI. If you want to create your app with SwiftUI, hire iOS app developer from a well-known firm. We will discuss the UIKit and SwiftUI, and their features differ from one another.

What is UIKit?

UIKit is a framework for creating user interfaces that can handle touch events and inputs while handling interactions between the user, the system, and the app. The Objective-C programming language is used to create and release UIKit. Even if you don’t have a strong programming experience, you can use UIKit to create user interfaces. And this is because storyboards, a drag-and-drop technique for designing user interfaces, were introduced. Storyboards make it easier for iOS app developers to create powerful applications. At the same time, storyboards double as a preview, allowing developers to save time.

What is SwiftUI?

SwiftUI has proven to be a game-changing tool in the realm of iOS development. Because SwiftUI has an easy-to-understand syntax and is arranged in a logical manner. Furthermore, SwiftUI is a far more powerful library. As Apple’s focus shifts away from UIKit, SwiftUI will only continue to grow as a powerful language. SwiftUI incorporates what Apple learned from UIKit and adds a slew of new features that aren’t accessible in UIKit. One of these characteristics is the capability to create even more complex apps while utilizing less code than UIKit.

What’s the Difference between UIKit and SwiftUI?

Now we’ll compare the primary differences between SwiftUI and other UI frameworks. We’ll look at how to create your user interfaces, the differences between the two frameworks’ mental models, online documentation and support, minimum iOS versions, speed of development, multiplatform support, and interoperability. Even take assistance from the top iOS app development company to know which is best. Finally, you must select what is most important in your circumstances.

SwiftUI doesn’t have an Xcode Interface Builder.

You may define your whole user interface in code or in Interface Builder with UIKit. Interface Builder is an Xcode feature that allows developers to build a user interface by dragging and dropping UIKit UI components. On the other hand, Apple has abandoned the Interface Builder in favor of Live Preview in SwiftUI.

The SwiftUI code you’re working on is rendered as you edit it in Live Preview. The Live Previews allow you to evaluate specific areas of your UI code, and changes to the code will be reflected in the Live Preview right away. However, there are some drawbacks when working with live previews. Although, Apple’s planned workflow improves with each version. When utilizing Live Preview, Xcode becomes more and more stable.

Updates to the user interface are Reactive.

As previously said, UIKit requires you to specify what’s on-screen, when the screen will update, and how to transition between various UI states as a developer. It works in a reactive approach with SwiftUI. What an end-user sees on screen is a side effect of updating the View structure and allowing the system to figure out what needs to update on the screen to reflect the new state. It’s a different perspective, and it’s one of the most challenging things for iOS developers to adjust to when switching from UIKit to SwiftUI.

Support, documentation, and available content

When compared to SwiftUI, there is far more UIKit material accessible. However, this is steadily changing as more teams use SwiftUI. In this case, you must evaluate the number of existing UIKit-based codebases. Due to supported version limitations below iOS 13, these codebases frequently cannot embrace SwiftUI, a limitation that will confine much of the ongoing, practical development effort to UIKit for the time being.

Minimum supported iOS version.

You must accept iOS 13 as the minimum supported version to use SwiftUI. SwiftUI will not work if this is not possible. SwiftUI in iOS 13 is so restrictive and areas flawed that it’s impossible to use it for more than a couple of screens in your app. It becomes a lot better with iOS 14 or even 15, but what is the bare minimum target version in your case? UIKit, on the other hand, allows you to support versions back to 9.0 if you choose. The question is whether you should, yet the option is there if necessary. In most circumstances, supporting a major iOS version for six years is generally excessive. However, UIKit wins in terms of backward compatibility if the requirement exists.


You get a lot of great animations and transitions for free with SwiftUI. UIKit, on the other hand, requires you to actively define animations in your code and save from easy transitions. When compared to SwiftUI, it takes more effort to make your UI battery smooth with UIKit. You can obviously affect what happens with SwiftUI, but you get a lot of freedom because of its declarative style.

Support for Several Platforms

SwiftUI is expected to function across all Apple devices. Whether you’re working on an Apple Watch, an iPhone, or a MacBook App, it shouldn’t matter. SwiftUI views should scale to fit any size screen. However, this does not imply that you can write once and run wherever. It is not the case or intention for SwiftUI, according to Apple. It’s largely the UI programming model that can be moved throughout the Apple ecosystem. If you’re migrating SwiftUI code from an iPhone to macOS, you’ll still have to work to make sure it works in its new environment.

Fast development

SwiftUI is now the fastest way to build in-app functionality. You can find some valuable comparisons between implementing the same features in UIKit and SwiftUI on the internet. In these comparisons, it is evident that SwiftUI uses far less code than UIKit to achieve identical results. However, there is one limitation, SwiftUI lacks the feature set of UIKit. You must usually use the UIViewRepresentable protocol to bring that functionality from UIKit in SwiftUI.

What are the advantages of using SwiftUI?

SwiftUI has a lot of advantages for your new mobile app development projects. To create an app with SwiftUI, hire iOS app developer.

  • Adoption of Apple’s best practices is Simple.

Apple advises developers to use dynamic types flexibly. So that they can arrange things on the screen and cope with light and dark panels.

  • Cross-platform is easier.

SwiftUI emphasizes better control packaging than UIKit, resulting in more adaptable interfaces. It helps target different device kinds and screen sizes.

Final Thoughts

The above article shows how the SwiftUI framework will phase out the UIKit in the future. SwiftUI is more created for newer devices, which explains why. Additionally, more sophisticated code elements are available, allowing developers to design better apps. So, it is possible to grasp the features and drawbacks of each framework. Hire iOS app developer to get an app with the SwiftUi framework.
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Hitesh Chauhan

Hitesh Chauhan is a compelling content author who works with the prominent Mobile App Development Company, The Brihaspati Infotech. He has an attentive mindset and definite interests in advanced technologies and marketing tactics that encourage him in writing content that readers greet. His eagerness toward multiple heads makes his pieces more audible and engaging.

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