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When You need to Replace Your Dental Implants

If you are planning to undergo dental implants, you must have heard that it is a suitable solution to boost your confidence level. Dental implants can give you a comfortable way to replace your missing or lost teeth. They are sturdy than dentures which means your dental restoration will not fall out at the time of eating or speaking. Since these are handy appliances, patients have several questions in mind. The most important question is, “How long will dental implants last? Another question is, “If there is anything to prevent the failure of implant.

While dental implants are a newer innovation in the field of dentistry, they have been there for several decades. Dental implants had first been created in the year 1952. Since then, ongoing research is being conducted to improve its durability and long-lasting abilities of titanium posts. The positive news for patients is that they can expect to get amazing results from the procedure.

What are different options available with implants?

Dental implants are titanium posts that have been surgically placed by the dentist into the jawbone or beneath the gum line. They act in the form of support system for your dental restoration. Based on the situation, your dentist will suggest about the right kind of implant-supported device for your case. The three main kinds are:

  • Implant-supported crown
  • Implant-supported denture
  • Implant-supported bridge

These are somewhat similar to non-implant counterparts, but the way they are attached is quite different. Rather than using other teeth or adhesives to stay in proper place, each of them connect to the abutment of implant and then use it as their support.

How are dental implants a permanent solution?

The success rate of implants will depend on who had placed it, where it had been placed, and how well a patient cares for it later. As per the research, by taking proper care, a wearer will get at least 25 or more years out of the implant and it can last even more than that. But when it is compared to dental bridges and dentures that should be replaced after ten years, then 25+ years is considered to be a permanent option. Most individuals will not have to replace the implants during their lifetime.

Signs dental implant has failed or is failing

Anything that is made by the humans can fail and same is the case with implants. These are made of titanium and there are two ways a dental implant might fail. The first is by shifting the location. When an implant moves typically, there had not been sufficient bone tissue for supporting the placement. Though dentists can do everything \ to ensure this doesn’t happen, sometimes it really can. Below are some complications you might suffer from the implant/surgery that can denote a failure.

  • Infection near the implant or surrounding areas
  • Loose implant or implant falls out completely
  • Nerve damage to gums which include – pain, numbness or tingling at the gums, lips or chin
  • Presence of sinus problems that are not normal for patients and indicate implant touching sinus cavity.
  • Peri-implantitis since the bone and gum surrounding the implants might get inflamed due to bacterial infection or inflamed from aggressive bite force.

Peri-implantitis can be cured. You need to visit a dentist for treatment otherwise, it might be risky for the implant that can damage the site where implant had been placed. If you detect any of these signs, it is suggested that you speak with your dentist. Although complications can take place, yet it cam be avoided by following the recommendations of your dentist.

How will you know when to replace the implant?

After getting your implant installed, you will find some signs for removing or replacing dental implants. When the implant travels, you should get it removed and install a new one. Unlike all kinds of surgeries, there is a chance of some infection. If you do not treat an infection, it might cause damage to the tissue. If you detect any warning signs such as bleeding, fever or some discharge from the wound, you need to get in touch with your dentist right away. Make sure you go for routine visits to your dentist once in every six months.

Non-implant alternatives

There are traditional ways for replacing missing teeth. These have worked for several decades and are yet relevant in the dental field. Other options consist of the following.

Dental bridges

They are tooth-supported or resin bonded and bridges usually depend on the health of your surrounding teeth. Bridges have been designed to replace one to three missing teeth in one area. They cannot fix teeth on the opposite side of arch. There is a tooth-supported fixed bridge that has been compared to an implant. The only probable drawback might be a bone loss as the jaw bone has not been stimulated.

Partial dentures

Partial dentures are quite adaptive and may be used for fixing several gaps in the top or bottom arch, despite their location. A partial denture uses the healthy teeth for support and a fake palate can hold everything in proper place. They are not very comfortable and known to cause bone loss. They can help to replace teeth, bone and gums. Partial dentures are more affordable in comparison to dental implants.

 Complete dentures

The complete dentures are glued into place by using an adhesive. They can help in replacing the teeth and gums or a full arch, which might be the top or the bottom. These are usually a least expensive choice for replacing all your teeth but they too have some downsides. Dentures are not very secure, comfortable and often do not look natural.

Thus, you may visit at to schedule a free consultation with the dentist and know if you are the right candidate for performing dental implants procedure. Your missing and lost teeth can be replaced with the artificial ones and you will also be able to improve your overall appearance.

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